Meet the Anor-Exit Treatment Team

Vanessa Aldaz Portrait

Vanessa Aldaz, MPH, RDN, CDCES

Vanessa Aldaz, MPH RDN CDCES, is a Registered dietitian nutritionist, ketogenic diet coach, and certified diabetes care and education specialist. Vanessa received her MPH in Nutrition from Loma Linda University in 2004 and has a B.S. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from the University of California San Diego. 

She has specialized in ketogenic diet therapies for epilepsy and neurological disorders for the past 19 years, provides keto nutrition coaching for mental health conditions, and has worked with patients of all ages.  She has participated in several keto presentations and has taught and coached hundreds of dietitians/nutritionists. She also loves volunteering and supporting non-profit organizations with a similar mission. She lives in Southern California and loves spending time with her family.

Caroline Beckwith Portrait

Caroline Beckwith

Caroline is a certified wellness counselor, personal trainer, and former wilderness recovery guide. She has a BA from the University of Wisconsin, Madison with a major in art. She has worked as a recovery coach for adults with substance use disorders and a keto peer coach for women with Anorexia Nervosa.

After suffering from anorexia for fifteen years and going to numerous treatment programs and therapists, all of which failed, Caroline fully recovered from anorexia four years ago using the novel treatment we offer through Anor-Exit®. 

She will share with you the process she followed, her methods to outwit the disease, and figuratively hold your hand as you go through this program.