Caroline’s Journey

Caroline Beckwith Sitting Back to Pole

When I became anorexic at 15 years old, I had no idea what a long road to recovery it would be. When I left for treatment at 17, I was nervous about 'giving up' anorexia, and wondered how it would be to “go back to normal.”

I had no idea I could be weight restored and still anorexic, and of course that is what happened despite hospitalization, years of individual and family therapy, and many out patient programs.

I realized, 'giving up' anorexia wasn't an option. Even though I thought I could be done with it, it was not done with me. After 15 years of living with this disease, it felt like there was no way out. I used alcohol and drugs to run from my thoughts. Whenever I got sober, anorexia was there - waiting for me - with open arms. There was not a single day in all those years where anorexia gave me a break.

When I learned about the possibility of relief from Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy, the fear of gaining weight and breaking my usual routine was too terrifying and I couldn't start it. There were no coaches to guide me. After several more years of suffering, at age 29, I took a chance.

After just a few weeks on the program, I started to notice changes in my thinking. I could feel short periods of relief from all the tasks anorexia ordered me to do. I could hear my own little voice in my head fighting back against the much louder, meaner anorexia voice.

After two months, I felt better than I had in the last fifteen years. I couldn't believe it. The most surprising part of it all was I wasn't gaining tons of weight as I had expected, and feared.

I woke up in the mornings and did not hear the endless list of tasks.

During, the first few weeks of quiet, I held my breath thinking it would come back. Four years later, I still do not hear the voice. I eat when I want and exercise when I want. I can have friends and relationships and feel connected to others in a way I never could while constantly distracted by Anorexia. I feel alive and connected to the world.

I cannot overstate how excited I am to help other people struggling find relief and recovery through this anorexia treatment program. It completely transformed my life and I want to help you."

-Caroline Beckwith